The Block Animation plugin

written by: Jeff Mcnear

CSS has provided us with animations for quite some time now, here is the list

The Blocks Animation: CSS Animations for Gutenberg Blocks plugin makes the process of applying an animation to a selected block fast and easy – find the plugin here

The available animations are:

  • back in (by direction)
  • bounce in (by direction)
  • fade in (by direction)
  • flipping in (by axis)
  • rotate in (by direction)
  • slide in (by direction)
  • zoom in (by direction)
  • typing animation (for text)

With controls for:

  • delay
  • speed

Once you select a given block there will be an “animations” panel in the right column

Clicking on a sub-panel will expose its’ controls

At list as of this writing, the count animations & typing animations will only work for selected blocks