Adding custom fonts without coding
Up until WordPress 6.5.4 when you wanted to add a custom font to the current theme you could do so via the Create Block Theme plugin which would place the relevant font file in the theme inside /assets/fonts folder. Core Gutenberg now has this function, and as a result the Create Block Theme plugin has dropped it from functionality.
Preventing some client over-customization
The beauty and curse of Gutenberg is that there are many controls over presentation behaviors over most blocks.
Block based template parts in “legacy” style themes
As of WordPress 6.1 there are exciting crossovers between legacy and FSE theming!
Desktop Server – ServerPress is no more!
In 2010, Steve Carnam started ServerPress with the vision of creating simple-to-use workflow services for WordPress Designers and Developers. These services allowed for easy onboarding, yet remained robust enough to allow for infinite growth with the user…. at the beginning of August the announcement went out that they will be shutting down operations.
The Block Animation plugin
The Blocks Animation: CSS Animations for Gutenberg Blocks plugin makes the process of applying an animation to a selected block fast and easy
Creating additional user levels without a plugin
use this in either the functions file of your theme or in a bespoke plugin to create custom user levels
Front end content access functions
Besides the simple check for validation (login) status more specific filters can be applied
Showing Post Object field values in the ACF back-end
WordPress is not really designed to allow a great degree of flexibility to how things are presented on the back-end
Auto populating post title with the post ID
This is a very narrow use case. Recently a client wanted to have the title of a custom post type auto-populate with an incrementing number
Setting permissions by Custom Post Type
Most membership and restricted content plugins focus on the limitation of of access to front end content where a validated user is able to see content that is denied to the non-validated user. The approach to most is to restrict content by taxonomy term, specific pages or posts, sections of templates that are coded to require validation but surprisingly not often by Custom Post Type.
Using a custom post type post as the home page
Answering the question of how to set a custom post type post as the main landing page in wordpress
Alternate post templates
One of the fundamental elements of WordPress theming is the ability to create alternative page templates – posts and custom post types can have multiple templates as well!
Making Reusable Blocks more obvious in the editor
One of the better Gutenberg features is the Reusable Block, but for the moment they are too easy to edit directly in the post interface rather than in the “manage reusable block” section found at (site root URL)/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=wp_block.
Forcing Yoast to the bottom
lmost everything about Yoast SEO except the fact that its’ meta-box forces all other meta-boxes (particularly those created via ACF) to drop below it. However this article has a solution!
PHP calculation using ACF fields
Recently I was faced with a situation where I needed to add a value to an arithmetic equation using two values from ACF fields here is how I did it:
A wealth of tools from Smashing Magazine
All of us should be periodically checking on Smashing Magazine … a recent article describes 8 terrific CSS generating & analysis tools that I am glad to know about:
Using Gravity Forms with Constant Contact
Gravity Forms can be used to create a Constant Contact signup form where the user can be signed up to a specific list based on radio button selection.
Making the excerpt field visible on the page editor
Just as in the case with page order and posts, the excerpt field is “valid” for pages but not visible in the editor by default.
Using the Yoast Meta Description rather than the excerpt
I recently was asked to configure an archive array to show the Yoast meta-descriptions (if populated) rather than the excerpt for an array of posts – here is how I did it:
Menu Order & posts
For some reason when you are in the editor for posts you will not see the menu order controls you see when in the page editor – indeed you may not even see a panel for post attributes at all
Adding an image uploader to the customizer
Yes, underscores makes it easy to add a custom logo, here is a way to add a second uploader
Associating a CPT with default taxonomies
There are arguments against having multiple post types share a common taxonomy – mainly since the back-end sorting interface will not work as completely as you may want it to. If more than one post type use a taxonomy you can really only sort the array of posts a single time before having to start over (since a second sort will give the user an “invalid post type” prompt). But there are cases when the front-end wants to see mixed results…
The :empty pseudo class
The :empty CSS pseudo-class represents any element that has no children. Children can be either element nodes or text (including whitespace). Comments, processing instructions, and CSS content do not affect whether an element is considered empty.
Major innovations in WordPress 5.5
By my count there are seven major innovations that are contained within the release of WordPress 5.5:
there are cases when the limited bandwidth of mobile visitors demands that less than crucial elements on the page are eliminated from the page load
Limit the available blocks in Gutenberg
To date I have only found a way to explicitly allow certain blocks (rather than the selective disallowing of certain blocks) using this addition to the active theme’s function file
WordPress Go Live Steps
Some security & search visibility steps that are recommended for all WordPress websites
Search Engine Optimization: Get Better Results from the Web
SEO has two components: On page & Off page
SEO can be a noun, verb, person, process, field of study, or a strategy.
SEO is part of Internet Marketing Strategy which includes these strategies:
Obtain visitors(SEO) – Engage – Convert – Retain – Get Ratings/Referrals
WordPress Overview Presentation
Wordpress has an impressive market share of 34% which makes it the single most popular framework around. Flipping this equation tells us that nearly two thirds of site owners probably have little understanding on how WordPress works.
We will cover a high level overview on the default structure of this CMS, how to extend it and how the theming system works. I will also be sharing my somewhat opinionated views on best practices from the perspective of a developer who has repaired dozens of malformed and under-performing websites built by those whose experiments and improvisations with WordPress have failed.
ACF and WordPress – Jeff McNear
With the advent of Gutenberg and the increasing popularity of other page builders like Beaver Builder the WordPress ecosphere is increasingly embraching drag and drop process to achieve layout configuration. It is important to realize that the data generated via the page builder process generally lives within a single database field.
WordPress Template Hierarchy
The WordPress templating system has a clear hierarchy of files as found in the active theme.
CHILD THEME: style.css
The stylesheet contains the theme information and defines styles that supersede the parent styles